More than 100 Coral Shores fall athletes recently participated in The Upper Keys Foundation’s, Hurricane Dorian Relief Mission. Pictured is Coral Shores All-Conference, wide receiver Gage Dennis presenting a check for $5,570.40 to Upper Keys Rotary-Hurricane Dorian Coordinator, Don Horton and club president, Joe Roth. Joining Dennis were, All-Conference defensive tackle, Jeronimo Reynoso-Heaton and Monroe County Volleyball Player of the Year, Carly Lindback.
Horton shared that the UKF contribution will be added to other Upper Keys Rotary collections. “Our financial collections, which are nearing the $100,000 mark, can be matched by our district Rotary’s, Robins Fund. At that point we can apply to Rotary International to match the combined funds meaning we ultimately have the possibility of quadrupling our local donations to $400,000.” Horton, who traveled to the Bahamas on a 180’ supply ship filled with Rotary collections just days after the hurricane, added that “we are working closely with fellow Rotarians in Freeport and Grand Bahama, to insure that distributions are filling the greatest needs.”
The Upper Keys Foundation is a non-profit (501c3) whose purpose is to both assist in underwriting Coral Shores’ athletics and to train each student-athlete in serving “individuals and groups with significant needs.” I can’t say enough about the impact The Upper Keys Foundation has made on our athletic programs” said, Coral Shores Athletic Director, Rich Russell. “Obviously we are thrilled to have UKF underwrite many program costs but it’s perhaps even more significant that our student-athletes are learning how to make a positive difference in their community and are experiencing the associated fulfillment that comes from making that difference.”